Monday, April 26, 2010


Oh. My. Goodness. Today was my first day to teach. And I got to play with the kindergartners! I should have worn different clothing while I was playing with them, as I fell on my rear in the dirt, got muddy water splashed all over my pantleg, and had little snotty hands touching me. And I'm sure I looked a sight as I climbed on the playground equipment and ordered dirt-food takeout in my suit. But there is no way on earth I could have denied a little kid who was begging sensei to play. From the moment I stepped foot on the playground all these pink-hatted and yellow-hatted kids came running up to me. Some were shy and had to be coaxed to talk while others eagerly said hello. But almost all grabbed my hand and tugged me in the direction where they wanted me to play -- on the jungle gym, in the dirt, near the chickens, on the slide....

My favorite memory of the day is when they pulled me toward a concrete tunnel. I had to squat down to fit into it and then waddle my way through to come out the other side. When I was not more than three feet into the tunnel (It was probably 10-15 feet long.), a girl on a tricycle came barreling through from the other side. But when I turned around to try to go back out the way I'd come in, there were at least 10 kids crammed into the tunnel behind me. And then more came in from the exit! I felt like the old woman who lived in the shoe. And I loved every moment of it! Only next time I play with the kindergartners, I'll wear appropriate clothing.

Until next time...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good for you! Welcome to the joys of my world... The joys will always outweigh the pain... If you let them...