Friday, September 3, 2010

Almost Famous?

Today I went to McDonald's for breakfast before school. As the cashier was placing my iced coffee on my tray, she said, "Rebecca?" I've never met this person in my life; so I was a little taken aback that she somehow knew my name. (This is a cash society. There's no such thing as a debit card. So she didn't get my name off of anything that I gave her.) When I confirmed that, indeed, I am Rebecca, she told me that she is the mother of one of the elementary school students whom I teach. After having another one of my students tell me that his mother delivered a package from my mother to my school several months ago and then they discussed it over the dinner table, I guess I should have remembered that being a gaijin (foreigner) in a small town in a homogeneous country like Japan doesn't allow for anonymity. Maybe the next time I venture out I should take a tip from Ke$ha.

Until next time...


Aunt Ruth said...

Well now you know. Someone's always watching and ready to discuss with interested people. That's how mothers get their reputation for having eyes in the back of their heads. Remember the song, There's an eye watching you." We always related that to God but it should govern our lives no matter what. Love you and know you always present your good side.

Unknown said...

Off to Friday night football! Mercifully, the high today was 82 after a storm blew through last night. Had Wingstop for supper and thought of you. Glad things are well.

Rebecca said...

Unfortunately for me, Aunt Ruth, everyone's always watching. I have a Japanese-American friend who is an English teacher in another city. She can blend in really well, since she's 100% American by birth but 100% Japanese by heritage. I couldn't blend in even if I tried.

Christy, I've been feeling the loss of football and craving WingStop for quite some time. I'm so sad that I am not at home to watch the Wildcats play, since they're playing practically in my backyard. I hope you have a great night!